Healthy Body Healthy Mind
Heath & Wellness Coaching
Look Good, Feel Great

Hi! My name is Lucy Howe, founder of Healthy Body Healthy Mind. I’m here to help you look good and feel great!

I am a gut health expert, specialising in: Gut Microbiome Balancing & DNA Lifestyle Testing.

I am an ambassador for the highly popular Tropic Skincare

And most recently, I have embarked on a new journey into Modern Energy Tapping (MET)

I tap into the positive outcomes you wish to achieve from your personal growth. Such as energy, strength, health, confidence and more.

I have a genuine passion for helping people reach their true wellness potential. Working towards  a positive mindset, which in turn encourages you to push for greatness. I want you to feel fantastic and energised. And of course, love the person you see in the mirror.

The Products I use and recommend

Gut Health Programme

21- day Nutritional Gut Health Programme

21- day Nutritional Gut Health, Kick Start Programme.
Take one step at a time with me.

DNA Nutrigenetics Testing

DNA Nutrigenetics Testing

Helping you to replace the negative with the positive, and really begin to understand the best lifestyle choices for you. according to your DNA.

Tropic Skincare

Tropic Skincare

Using good-quality skincare balances your hormones, reduces stress, anxiety, aids sleep and reduces signs of ageing. Visit my Tropic Webshop

Modern Energy Tapping (MET)

Modern Energy Tapping (MET)

We tap on the positive outcomes you wish to achieve.  Energy, strength, health, confidence etc.

Synergy Store


Look out for more details of the Purify Programme and Collagen Loading Programme from me soon. Visit my Synergy store



Collagen is a fibrous protein of connective tissues that provides structural support and enhanced strength to a variety of body tissues including hair, skin, nails, muscles, bones, and cartilage.
Visit my Synergy store

Pro 360 Performance Beets & Greens

Pro 360 Performance Beets & Greens

Look out for more details for the PRO360 | NUTRITION RE-IMAGINED INTRODUCING THE NEW RANGE
Visit my Synergy store

Lucy Howe Contact Details


Lucy Howe
Helping people through the healing power of nature.

Visit my Synergy store

Has your ‘get up and go’ got up and gone?

Every year we service our car and give it a quick oil change.  Why don’t we do this with ourselves?  Our body is a fantastic machine, however it can only do so much on its own.  We need to take care of it and nourish it. Otherwise we’ll end up needing an MOT!

Did you know that we are exposed to over 200 toxins on average, before we’ve even left the house in the morning?

Our daily skincare routine isn’t always the greatest. Just because certain products say they’re ‘organic’ or ‘good for you’, that doesn’t mean they actually are.

What goes onto our skin then goes into it, which is then circulated around our body.  No wonder so many of us suffer from outbreaks and inflammation.


Our Gut Health

Our gut-health is also often out of balance too. Foods that say they are ‘healthy’ or ‘low in fat’ aren’t necessarily a good choice. Many are high in saturated fats and salt. Leaving you feeling tired and dehydrated.

Our lifestyle choices have an adverse reaction on our body. Causing us to lose our concentration more easily, inducing stress, fatigue and even nausea.

Remember, it’s your DNA which loads the gun, but it’s your lifestyle which pulls the trigger!!

Yes, DNA does play a big part in it

We’ve all heard people use age as an excuse for feeling the ailments, or looking a little older than we are.

Yes, DNA does play a big part in it. However, most of us are more than capable of taking the right steps to prolonging these tell-tale signs of deflating health. Along with signs of ageing.

Better sleep, a more conscious diet, proper research into skincare and more ‘me time’ will help you to feel (and look) happier, and healthier.

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