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DNA Nutrigenetics Testing - Healthy Body Healthy Mind Therapies

DNA Nutrigenetics Testing

Helping you to replace the negative with the positive, and really begin to understand the best lifestyle choices for you. according to your DNA.

DNA nutrigenetics testing will give us the answers to establish which foods make you constantly tired and bloated. Often resulting in a severe drop in energy levels.

We’ll aim to claw back that much needed energy. And get you back to loving your body again.

As you know, your DNA is unique. So why shouldn’t your lifestyle choices be?

Not losing weight, despite your efforts? You exercise-routine or food intake could be wrong for your genetic make-up.


Helping you remove the ‘out of service’ sign from your body & understand the best lifestyle choices you can make based on your DNA – science, not guesswork!!

Your DNA is unique to you, so the lifestyle choices you make should only be what works for your body.

Constantly bloated, tired & run down?

Want your energy back?

Not losing weight, despite your efforts? You exercise or food could be wrong for your genetic make up.

Stop guessing – get the right answers for you NOW!!

Remember, it’s your DNA which loads the gun, but it’s your lifestyle which pulls that trigger. 

Constant bombardment, pressure and stress from our modern-day lifestyle and overuse of medication will increase the inflammation and chronic illnesses in our body.

Would you put chip fat into your car and expect it to drive up a hill ok?

Would you put chip fat in a Formula 1 racing car and expect it to win the race?
Treat your body better than your car and KNOW what food is best.

What’s ‘healthy’ for one person is not necessarily healthy for you. Keep your body fuelled with the best choices for YOUR personal body, and based on YOUR OWN DNA.

Ever wondered why you sometimes go into a ‘food coma’ after eating certain foods?

Perhaps you have itchy skin….

Sometimes your body cannot cope with certain foods you continually eat.

NUTRIGENETICS is the latest in science to help us KNOW what we should eat, how we should train and what foods we should avoid to prevent dormant lying health issues being triggered.

Food is fuel and everybody is a specific type.

Imagine shopping for foods you KNOW are right for your body.

Imagine only doing exercise you KNOW is right for your body to get the right results.

Imagine knowing the CORRECT percentage of macros to work to.

Imagine taking the guesswork out of all these and KNOW which foods, exercise, supplements are beneficial to your body and which are causing you harm and oxidative stress.

Well you can.

It’s all down to Nutrigenetics. 

NUTRIGENETICS is certainly the future – it is in the media everywhere now. But what is it?

It is all about personalising nutrition and diets based on your body’s own “instruction manual”, our DNA. The DNA has the genetic script that tells every cell in your body what to do or not to do. This does not only determine whether your eyes are blue or brown, but also defines whether you can effectively metabolise and absorb nutrients.

About 48% of us cannot effectively metabolise Vitamin D3 – this little helper has much been spoken about recently.

Or did you know that coffee can help significantly to prevent breast cancer? BUT only IF you are a specific genetic type.

Should you be sprinting 3x or is a 45 minute run on the treadmill a better form of getting fit for you?

What is your optimum macros composition when it comes to eating right for training. All that can be tailored to you by looking at your DNA.

“An apple a day…”, well, apart from the fact that an apple does not in any way or form contain the nutrients we once got from the freshly harvested ones – but that is a talk for another day – it is not the best choice for every individual. A peach or a cherry might be the much better choice for YOUR personal body.

All these questions and more get answered by the science of Nutrigenetics or Nutrigenomics.

Find out how you can identify foods that are right for you and those that might trigger dormant lying healthy issues and illness. 

Hear how you can optimise your training and increase performance/decrease recovery and risk of injury based on your body’s own instruction manual and rise to new athletic levels.